Thursday, September 17, 2009

Blog 8:Indigenous people in Taiwan

Out of Taiwan's total populations 21.3 millions,there are more than three hundred and fifty thousand who are indigenous tribal peoples.Distinguished from the majority Han taiwanese,indigenous tribal group are part of the so-called Malayo-Polynesians.
Linguistically,they are recognized as the sub-group of Austronesians speaking family.Therefore they are also called the Austronesians.Despite the fact that their languages are derived from the same root,the languages they currently speak are not mutually comprehensible between groups.All indigenous tribal group are generally known and officially recognized as the Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan.
The common characteristic of Austronesian peoples are building houses on stilts to protect agains damp,insects and snakes;adopting slash- and- burn farming style;keen on sewing betel nuts,good at bamboo and rattan weaving,relying on hunting and fishing,and among others.
Some taiwanese anthropologists refer to them as the earlier inhabitans of Taiwan.They themselves prefer to be addressed by their tribal names.They are the Ami,Ataya,Paiwan,Bunun,Rukai,Puyuma,Tsou,Saisia,Yami,(Da-Wu )and Pinpu.
According to the anthropometric measurements and genetic studies conducted by the Academia Sinica,Taipei,Taiwan,The result indicate substantial differences among them.Based on the social culture comparisons,the differences are even more interesting.In terms of family structure and kinship.there are three group characterized by stem family structure for an equal of both patri and matrilateral kin(such as Paiwan,Puyuma,Rukai).There are three patrilineal societies with patrilocal residence (such as the Bunun,Tsau and Saisai),one matrilineal society with matrilocal residence(the example is the Ami),still two others are characterized by nuclear family units,patrilocal residence and parallel status for both bilateral kin.

Contemporary Song Lyrics composed by Indigenous People in Taiwan

Forever Will Be Indigenous People
by DagaNow(paiwan/rukai)

Mountain will always be mountain
Indigenous People will always be Indigenous People
wherever you go,wherever you end up
Indigenous People will always be Indigenous People

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