Monday, October 12, 2009

Blog 2 : Emo kids

The term "emo" not only an attitude,but also a fashion that are coming from emocore(emo music). The teenagers who listen emocore is emokids.The society thinks about them as failures; they are not strong enough to hide their emotions. They're sensitive, shy, introverted, and often quiet. Usually, Emo kids like to express their feeling like writing poems about their problems with depression, confusion, and anger. All because the world fails to understand them. Emo kids are sad creatures of the dark. They are characterized by their dress sense and also how in touch they are with certain emotions (i.e. the negative ones). Typically emo kids wear lots of black and will most likely have dyed hair (mainly black or sometimes colourful streaks) and write music, lyrics, or poems about the trials and tribulations of their torturous lives.


HI to everyone who is currently browsing our blog. Our humble blog welcomes you with open hands. This topic is about the JAPANESE FUNERAL CULTURE. A Japanese Funeral includes a wake, the cremation of the deceased, a burial in a family grave, and a periodic memorial service. 99.82% of all deceased Japanese are cremated, according to 2005 statistics. Most of these are then buried in a family grave, but scattering of the ashes has become more popular in recent years, including a burial at sea and even on rare occasions a burial in space. The averagecost for a japanese funeral is 4 million yen, the most expensive in the world. one main reason for the high cost is the scarcity of funeral plots (it is almost impossible to buy a grave in Tokyo). Another reasons is the price gouging common at Japanese funeral homes, combined with the hesitation of the relatives of the deceased to negotiate and to compare prices. While Japan has a mixture of Shinto and Buddhist beliefs, funerals are almost always Buddhist ceremonies, and 91% of the funerals are Buddhist style. After death, the deceased's lips are moistened with water, in ceremony called "Water of the last moment". The household shrine is closed and covered with a white paper, to keep out the impure spirits of the dead. This is called Kamidana-fuji. A small table decorated with flowers, incense, and a candle is placed next to the deceased's bed. A knife may be put on the chest of the deceased to drive away evil spirit. Thats only for this time. On the next coming blog, we wil do more better and more point of view. than you my fellowers.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Megacities normally defined as any urban center that has a population exceeding ten million and well economic development.For instances Beijing,New York,Tokyo,Manila,Jakarta and so on.There are between 20-25 megacities worldwide and these numbers is sure to grow in the decade ahead.However,the growing number of megacities cause a lot of ecological,economical and social problems and risks.Waste disposal is often a major issue in these modern megalopolies.The larger the city the more sewage treatment and landfills are needed to handle the mountains of waste and garbage the city will produce everyday.Today,this issue has becoming more serious.Hence,the authorities of megacities are often finding and developing new methods for dealing with this problem.On the other hands,food and fresh water would be one of the major necessities.As we know,billions of inhabitants and their attendant high technology activities and industries create a lot of heat.Therefore,the world-cities will eventually have to deal with heat pollution.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Blog 6 : The effects of media technology

Nowadays, there are many types of modern media communication around us. It is obviously we are connected to the media technology everyday. Today, we are encouraged to use the media tools for communication such as e-mail, MSN, facebook, friendster, etc. This is because these media tools have brought people come closer together. Students are usually use webcam or messenger to discuss their assignment. It is convenient and effective. For a homesick person can connect with family easily with the help of media no matter how far of the distance. By the way, we can know more about the news from all over the world by the media tools such as newspaper and internet. Without these media technology how is the world will be? So, we must appreciate what we have today!

Blog 5: viewpoint and opinion about emotions and negotiations

Emotion is normal, natural and we are unaware of it. We are supposed to realise our emotion and manage to handle with it because usually it comes in bundles. It is important to notice that awareness of our emotions may not be able to control behaviour well. So, we can change our feelings by changing ou thoughts and perceptions so that we can shift our feelings. Besides, we have to express our emotions well instead of expressing them by inappropriate means. Do not try to vent our feeling about something. To gain and keep the respect, we need to negotiate on an equal basis with men or women in business or discussion. The best way to keep the respect we deserve is to take a break before showing any strong displays of emotion to people.

Blog 7-Compare and contrast tattoos among other cultures

Facial cicatrization

In western Africa,most man resort to such painful procedure which helps them identify each other.Done by the shaman,with a ritual knife,facial cicatrization gives the possessor beauty ,magical protection agains evil spirits and represents visible social indicators.Signs tell the name of the person,the name of the clan and the name of the tribe he belongs to.The face cutting ritual lasts for more than a day,but at the end of it a child become a man.

Buddhist mixture

In Cambonia/Thailand,tattoo on buddhist monk are buddhist mark on which grave the monk his own symbol,to show contempt to the oppressors.

Born under the sign of gods


If Africa people use cicatrization as an indicator of their social status,women apply this tecnique as a beauty make-up.This is because in the Africa culture,the more symbols you have sculpted in your skin,the more you are considered to be purer,closer to the gods,vicariously,more beautiful,spiritual and physically.

The moroccan wedding

A young moroccan woman tattooed her hands with henna.The symbol represent eternal happiness.prosperity,and fertility.The girl will be married very soon,and for the people,the henna taboos are only made in the holy month of the Ramadan,are absolutely mandatory(they say that, beyond their diverse magical power,they enhance the bride's beauty)

Blog 8:Indigenous people in Taiwan

Out of Taiwan's total populations 21.3 millions,there are more than three hundred and fifty thousand who are indigenous tribal peoples.Distinguished from the majority Han taiwanese,indigenous tribal group are part of the so-called Malayo-Polynesians.
Linguistically,they are recognized as the sub-group of Austronesians speaking family.Therefore they are also called the Austronesians.Despite the fact that their languages are derived from the same root,the languages they currently speak are not mutually comprehensible between groups.All indigenous tribal group are generally known and officially recognized as the Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan.
The common characteristic of Austronesian peoples are building houses on stilts to protect agains damp,insects and snakes;adopting slash- and- burn farming style;keen on sewing betel nuts,good at bamboo and rattan weaving,relying on hunting and fishing,and among others.
Some taiwanese anthropologists refer to them as the earlier inhabitans of Taiwan.They themselves prefer to be addressed by their tribal names.They are the Ami,Ataya,Paiwan,Bunun,Rukai,Puyuma,Tsou,Saisia,Yami,(Da-Wu )and Pinpu.
According to the anthropometric measurements and genetic studies conducted by the Academia Sinica,Taipei,Taiwan,The result indicate substantial differences among them.Based on the social culture comparisons,the differences are even more interesting.In terms of family structure and kinship.there are three group characterized by stem family structure for an equal of both patri and matrilateral kin(such as Paiwan,Puyuma,Rukai).There are three patrilineal societies with patrilocal residence (such as the Bunun,Tsau and Saisai),one matrilineal society with matrilocal residence(the example is the Ami),still two others are characterized by nuclear family units,patrilocal residence and parallel status for both bilateral kin.

Contemporary Song Lyrics composed by Indigenous People in Taiwan

Forever Will Be Indigenous People
by DagaNow(paiwan/rukai)

Mountain will always be mountain
Indigenous People will always be Indigenous People
wherever you go,wherever you end up
Indigenous People will always be Indigenous People

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Good communication is not only talking a lot and speaking clearly.It requires listening.Speaker should not assume that listener has the same thinking as them.Listener has to understand the speaker's feelings and remember that non-verbal communication is vey important.Accurancy in communication is important .Effective communication is useful for formal situation and every condition in life.Active listening requires an active listener who understand the speaker's point of view,experience,watch the non-verbal communication carefully,give them time to think and talk and make eye contact with them.Stronger trust,fewer conflicts,better relationship and happiness occur in results.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


On 30th of July,our group which have 5 members was doing a group presentation in title -DEMOGRAPHIC OF ETHNIC GROUP IN PHILIPPINES.Our group members are emma,march,vera,li jiing and me.Demography is the scientific study of characteristics and dynamics pertaining to the human population.Demography requires the study of specific information that may be gathered from a population census or vital scientific records.Our presentation was talking about the ethnic group in Philippines.The people of Philippines are known as Filipinos.Philippines is the most ethnically diverse country in asia.Over 95% of the population is ethnically malay.The rest are chinese,mestizos,caucasion,negrito and negro.In our presentation,we explained about the population of each ethnic group between year 2001 and year 2009.In order to make our explanation more clearer,we classified our data information into table and line graph.Based on the demographics,we made a future prediction that the population of phillipines will grow if the government creating enough jobs and providing the basic needs to keep the same(low) standard of living.However,the growth in the population caused by migration also will cause problems like unemployment crime and unhealthy situation.In conclusion,government of philippines should take action to avoid the continuity growth of population in philippines.Besides,the government also have to emphasises the harmony of different ethnic group in Philippines.After we ended our presentation,mr fakhzan advised us that we should made our information in point form but not in paragraph and he also questioned us why our group talked about philippines but not Malaysia?We have realized and learned from our mistakes through our first presentation .

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


HI to everyone who is currently browsing our blog. Our humble blog welcomes you with open hands. This topic is about the JAPANESE FUNERAL CULTURE. A Japanese Funeral includes a wake, the cremation of the deceased, a burial in a family grave, and a periodic memorial service. 99.82% of all deceased Japanese are cremated, according to 2005 statistics. Most of these are then buried in a family grave, but scattering of the ashes has become more popular in recent years, including a burial at sea and even on rare occasions a burial in space. The averagecost for a japanese funeral is 4 million yen, the most expensive in the world. one main reason for the high cost is the scarcity of funeral plots (it is almost impossible to buy a grave in Tokyo). Another reasons is the price gouging common at Japanese funeral homes, combined with the hesitation of the relatives of the deceased to negotiate and to compare prices. While Japan has a mixture of Shinto and Buddhist beliefs, funerals are almost always Buddhist ceremonies, and 91% of the funerals are Buddhist style. After death, the deceased's lips are moistened with water, in ceremony called "Water of the last moment". The household shrine is closed and covered with a white paper, to keep out the impure spirits of the dead. This is called Kamidana-fuji. A small table decorated with flowers, incense, and a candle is placed next to the deceased's bed. A knife may be put on the chest of the deceased to drive away evil spirit. Thats only for this time. On the next coming blog, we wil do more better and more point of view. than you my fellowers.