Sunday, August 9, 2009


On 30th of July,our group which have 5 members was doing a group presentation in title -DEMOGRAPHIC OF ETHNIC GROUP IN PHILIPPINES.Our group members are emma,march,vera,li jiing and me.Demography is the scientific study of characteristics and dynamics pertaining to the human population.Demography requires the study of specific information that may be gathered from a population census or vital scientific records.Our presentation was talking about the ethnic group in Philippines.The people of Philippines are known as Filipinos.Philippines is the most ethnically diverse country in asia.Over 95% of the population is ethnically malay.The rest are chinese,mestizos,caucasion,negrito and negro.In our presentation,we explained about the population of each ethnic group between year 2001 and year 2009.In order to make our explanation more clearer,we classified our data information into table and line graph.Based on the demographics,we made a future prediction that the population of phillipines will grow if the government creating enough jobs and providing the basic needs to keep the same(low) standard of living.However,the growth in the population caused by migration also will cause problems like unemployment crime and unhealthy situation.In conclusion,government of philippines should take action to avoid the continuity growth of population in philippines.Besides,the government also have to emphasises the harmony of different ethnic group in Philippines.After we ended our presentation,mr fakhzan advised us that we should made our information in point form but not in paragraph and he also questioned us why our group talked about philippines but not Malaysia?We have realized and learned from our mistakes through our first presentation .